How You Can Order my Book, Genuinely Converted

Genuinely Converted uses God’s Word to guide you to fulfill God’s plan for your life, be properly focused, reduce your stress, and prepare for heaven.
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9798385019526
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9798385019533
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9798385019540
Here is how book orders for Genuinely Converted can be placed
Paperback: Retail price: $14.99 (Add $5.01 for fees/handling and tax).
Hardback: Retail price: $33.99 (Add $6.01 for fees/handling and tax).
eBook: Retail price: $5.99 (Add $0.41 for tax).
Total price = $20.00
Total price = $40.00
Total price = $6.40
To order
- Call: 1-770-575-6066 /Or 1-210-840-5431
- E-mail: bo*********@gm***.com
- To pay through Zelle: bo*********@gm***.com
- To order by mail, please send your order, along with a check or payment information. Make checks payable to: BON Books LLC, and mail to: 2727 Skyview Drive, #107 Lithia Springs, GA. 30122-9998.
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(Please note: Your generous donation in excess of the total costs of the book is tax deductible. It will be used through a Christian non-profit organization in helping needy widows, orphans, people with disabilities, and people in poverty).